December 2023

Walking in Love

By Sophia Hiser

Ephesians 4:1-2 says, “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.” While reading your Bible, it is easy to glaze over verses like this, but have you ever stopped to wonder what they mean? This verse is from the letter that the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, encouraging all the Christians there to hold fast to the truth. There are three main truths in this text: our calling, walking worthy, and urging. 


As Christians, our calling is from and for God alone. God is the one who calls us. Not because we in ourselves are special, but because he has chosen us out of love. Therefore, the praiseworthy response to this love is to glorify God in obedience. Our calling has to do with more than glory and being chosen; it also has to do with something called adoption. This is where once a believer has been called, they are adopted by God to be his child, and they become a member of the household of Christ. They also inherit eternal life. 

Walking Worthy 

Until we are called to eternity with Jesus, we are instructed to “Walk in a manner worthy of the calling.” Walking worthy begins with repentance for our sins, and then forgiveness by God. This is done through prayer and the reading of the Word of God. Once we are cleansed from sin, Jesus makes us new creations. And then, we have new desires to humble, gentle, patient and loving. We practice these things in our immediate family and with our church family. Going to church can seem like a chore sometimes, but hearing God’s word preached, and being surrounded by Gospel-centered community helps us to walk worthy. 


Paul urges us to heed our calling. Why should we be urgent in doing this? The world today wants us to be deceived. Satan is tempting us to turn away and follow our own path. The more we know and pursue the commands of Paul, the more ready we will be to fight that sinful temptation. Keep in mind that this life is just a shadow of what is to come. We might not have very much time left. Therefore, I join Paul in urging you to walk worthy and to be faithful to your calling.

Paul wrote those three truths beautifully, but one is most important – Calling. Without God’s gracious calling, we would never know anything about God’s love and forgiveness. We would not even desire to walk worthy. Let us be thankful for God’s gracious calling.   

About the Author

Sophia Hiser lives with her parents and five siblings, and loves to read, bake, draw, and sew. Her favorite book series that she’s read this year has been The Wingfeather Saga, by Andrew Peterson. Her favorite animals are all kinds of dogs.