By Jessamyn Rains

Whatever you do
in whatever kind of work you find yourself engaged, whether it’s work you enjoy or loathe; whether it is paid or unpaid; whether it’s something you do naturally or awkwardly; whether you’ve been adequately trained for it or not; whether you find it meaningful or empty and full of drudgery and thankless toil, or a little bit of all of the above:
work heartily
that is, with your heart. Put your strength, your muscle, your determination into it. Bring the full force of your intelligence and creativity to the task. Add your God-given personality, your unique perspective and vantage point, and all the wisdom and skill you can muster—
as unto the Lord
because He sees you: all your worries and disappointments, your weariness and joys and unspoken desires. He has promised that His burden is light; that He will give rest to your soul; and that He will reward you openly, when you work as unto the Lord
and not to men.
Men can be kind or unkind; patient or impatient; faithful or unfaithful. They can be gracious and wise-hearted or capricious and tyrannical. When we do our work for God alone, we are no longer seeking the approval of others; we are seeking the approval of God, who sees all and knows all.
Reflection Journal Activity:
~What work has God called you to do in this season of your life? List them, in order of priority.
~In what ways do you look to your own strength to perform this work? What are some practical ways you can shift your energies into leaning upon the Holy Spirit to do this work?
~Choose one verse in Scripture that encourages you in your calling and write it down. Meditate on this verse and put it to memory.
~Pray and thank the Lord for the work He has called you to do. Ask Him for the right attitudes to plod faithfully in the daily activity of your calling.